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AnLaiqiang’s fourth quarter marketing center conference was successfully held



On November 7, 2020, the fourth quarter marketing meeting of this year was held at the headquarters of Anlaiqiang. On the basis of inheriting the previous business summary and work plan, this conference increased the promotion of market business process optimization, product knowledge and industry application system solutions. At the same time, he gave an important introduction to more than a dozen new product projects being researched by the company.

This conference is rich in content and enthusiastic exchanges. It is really a feast for the marketing business.



Active marketing-take the initiative to attack, strive for advantages, and give full play to the subjective initiative of marketers and all employees in marketing;

Pioneering and innovative——Continuously develop new products, research the market, integrate resources, innovate marketing methods, and make more contributions to the company’s development;

Win-win cooperation-multi-party cooperation, multi-source cooperation, pooling resources, partnership development, exchanges and communication, and win-win performance;

Strengthen the market-full marketing, target, task, incentive plan, plan layout, inspection and supervision, incentives and incentives.



In the third quarter business assessment, Comrade Han Chongqing won the business champion



At the scene, participants in the meeting also had a lively discussion on how to continue to improve and do a good job in marketing in the future, combined with their respective job divisions. Everyone expressed their opinions and the atmosphere was warm.




In the second half of the meeting, in order to assess and improve the sales staff’s mastery of product professional knowledge and improve their professional capabilities, a prize-winning quiz contest was launched.





This product knowledge question and answer answers the questions of the sales staff at work, and also reflects the lack of product knowledge of the sales staff, and points out the direction for the improvement of the sales staff present.
During the meeting, there were many intense discussions on the problems encountered in the marketing work, sorting out the various processes involved in daily work, and laying a solid foundation for the marketing work in November, December and the coming year. Everyone said that the marketing conference pointed out the direction for everyone to strive for, and would devote more enthusiasm and energy to the marketing work, and strive to achieve the annual marketing goal.